Sexual and Domestic Violence

Aberdeen University has a zero-tolerance policy on all forms of sexual violence and harassment, to ensure that all members of the university community feel safe and welcome on Campus. 

If you have been the victim of or have witnessed any incident of sexual violence or harassment, AUSA Advice can support you - email to arrange an appointment.

You can also contact the University Counselling Service ( or Student Helpline (UK - 0808 196 2707, Overseas - 00353 1518 0277) for support and advice.

The University has an online reporting system, all members of the university community can report anonymously or report an incident and receive support from Student Support or HR. 

In an Emergency always call 999. 



What is Image-based sexual abuse?

Image-based sexual abuse can also be referred to as 'revenge porn', non-consensual pornography, or Intimate image abuse.

It is the act of sharing intimate images or videos of someone, either on or offline, without their consent with the intention of causing distress.

In April 2015, the Criminal Justice and Courts Act made it, 'an offence for a person to disclose a private sexual photograph or film if the disclosure is made without the consent of an individual who appears in the photograph or film, and with the intention of causing that individual distress'.

If you would like more information about this issue and links to support please visit the Image-based sexual abuse Helpline website  -