About Us

About Us

Aberdeen University Students Association is a student-led organisation that supports, empowers, and represents you, the student. You might’ve heard the term ‘Union’ or ‘Student Union’...  that's us. When you join the university, you’re automatically a member of the Students' Union and you’re entitled to all the perks of being a member. 

The Students' Union is led by 5 elected students, known as Sabbatical Officers or Sabbs. They work together as a team, but each of them focuses on individual remit to represent you and drive forward your interests. They will collaborate on issues aiming to make positive changes at the University, on local and national levels. They’re based in Aberdeen, but you can contact them via email or social media from anywhere in the world.

How will your Students' Union ensure your voice is represented? You have representatives at all levels: Class Reps in your course, School Conveners for your School, Sabbatical Officers and Student Council at the university, Forums if you are part of an under-represented or marginalised group, and based on your interests.  

Class Reps are elected at the beginning of an academic year or semester to represent your views and concerns about courses or degree programme, ensuring they are the best they can be, and bring about direct change based on your feedback. 

Student Council is a group of elected and volunteer students working together to make sure our work and campaigns are based on your priorities. Student Council shapes the work of the association for the year ahead.  

Liberation and Section Forums exist to promote the interests of and organise events for students who are part of or identify with certain groups.   

Students' Union Advice offers free and impartial advice to students. We have two advisers in our team, who can help you with a range of academic issues. You can ask them anything and if they don’t have an answer, they’ll put you in touch with someone who does.

With over 55 sports clubs and over 200 societies and student groups, the Students' Union and the University have a vibrant community spirit. Joining a club or society is a great way to meet new people and experience new things as well as continue to develop your skills, hobbies and passions. You can find a full list of our societies, sports clubs, and student groups on our website.

Make sure to visit our website and follow us on our social media to stay updated on everything Students' Union-related. We hope you enjoy your experience at the University of Aberdeen.

Don't forget to follow us on socials to stay up to date with everything that is happening! 

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History of AUSA 

AUSA used to be three different student/administrative bodies, but finally students felt it would be more cohesive to act and speak with one voice. So, In the academic year of 1998-1999, the Presidents of the Students’ Representative Council, Union Management Committee and Athletic Association began to address the issue of co-operation and common interests between the three organisations.    

The outcome of this new cooperation was a referendum presented to the students of the University in February 1999.   They were asked if they wanted to merge the AA, SRC and UMC into a Students’ Association.   The three bodies came together to fight an intense and high-profile joint campaign for a “Yes” vote.   The measure to unite the student passed overwhelmingly, with a higher turnout than any student democratic vote ever held at Aberdeen.

The legacy of the three Councils (UMC, SRC and Sports Council) is evident in our logo. Three arrows represent the ‘coming together’ of the 3 councils back in 2000, as well as providing an impression of the Scottish Saltire. The logo is topped with an impression of the arches of King's College, which completes our historic identity as one of Scotland's Ancient Universities and Associations.

AUSA today is a growing and vibrant Students' Association, a registered charity with a trustee board comprised of five paid student officers and eight voluntary members, of which four are current students. With more members than ever, a new strategic direction, and an upcoming review of our student democracy, we've never been in a better position to lead Aberdeen's student community of influence.