Transport, Trips and Travel

Transport, Trips and Travel

Supported by the Students' Union our affiliated student clubs, societies and groups (Student Activity), regularly organise trips and events, both on and off campus.

If you are planning a trip we have prepared resources for you to ensure that it is carried out safely and all legal requirements and regulations are met.


Trips and Travel Forms

For any trip where you have booked any travel, accommodation or trip insurance through an external provider,  i.e., rail or public coach travel, flights, hotel or B&B accommodation, etc., please complete the  Students' Union Activity Trips and Travel Information Form

The Activity Trips and Travel Information Form is used in case of accidents or emergencies. Any details contained within this form will not be passed onto any third party, unless a situation arises wherein they may be passed to other parties as required i.e., Emergency Services, Insurance Company or the University of Aberdeen Health & Safety Department, etc. 

N.B. If you have hired vehicle(s) through the Students' Union and do not have any accommodation or insurance booked you DO NOT need to submit this form as all trip information will be contained within the Students' Union Activity Vehicle Hire Request Form


*Student Vehicle Hire Policy

Please note that this policy is currently under review. The previous AUSA Transport Policy can be viewed for information purposes only.

Please see our Activities Policies ( page where you can find a list of policies which apply to our student activities 


Student UK Travel Policy

Please note that this policy is currently under review. 

Please see our Activities Policies ( page where you can find a list of policies which apply to our student activities 


Student Foreign Travel Policy

Please note that this policy is currently under review. 

Please see our Activities Policies ( page where you can find a list of policies which apply to our student activities 



If you have any queries relating to the above, please do not hesitate to contact Students’ Union: -

Sports Office | ASV | Linksfield Rd | Aberdeen, AB24 5RU | Tel: 01224 438975 | Email:

Main Office | Students’ Union Building | Elphinstone Rd | Aberdeen, AB24 3TU | Tel: 01224 272965 | Email: