Welcome to our Policy Hub!
In the Policy Hub you can view democratically passed policies that are written by students, for students, about student issues. Some policies ensure that the Students' Union takes a stance on an issue, and others ensure that we take action on an issue. Any member of the Student Council may submit a proposal for the establishment of policy or the amendment of an existing policy. Non-members can also submit proposals but will need a number of other students to support this.
Policy proposals are called motions, which are debated and voted on during Student Council meetings. If you have an idea for a policy, get in touch via ausareps@abdn.ac.uk.
You can view a list of our policies below:
Passed 2023/24
Passed 2022/23
Passed 2021/22
Passed 2020/21 (Now Lapsed)
If you have any questions about any of these policies, please contact ausareps@abdn.ac.uk.