Event Description

Physics and Astronomy Society Talk


Tuesday 22 September 2020 at 10am - 11am

Introduction to the Calculations and History of the Great Astronomers

Dr Conlon, a famous teacher in physics and mathematics, retired from Chavagnes-en-Paillers International College, will help you ask the question "Why?" Why do we think the earth is round? Why do we think the stars are far away? Why do we think the earth spins on its axis and why is it's obliquity 23.4°? Why does the North Star remain where it is (or at least seems to)? He will help you understand the terms Right Ascension, Ecliptic Planes and at the end will help you calculate the positions of the stars from your very own position just like Ptolemy, Copernicus and Kepler. Join us as we go step by step through the minds of these genii and do using modern technology in minutes what took them years of tremendous labour to attain.

The event will be fully online, there will be a Powerpoint presentation that each can follow on their own and the attendees will need to download the App SkyPortal or use the Website Stellarium to follow and participate in the calculations. The talk is introductory, and everyone is welcome, regardless of whether you know some astronomy beforehand. 

Zoom Link: us04web.zoom.us/j/78331875804?pwd=WVAxdWVEcW5yZTdFUHhnT1QzQnZvQT09

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