Our society aims to both grow interest in this field for medical students and promote education on these conditions in the wider public. To achieve this, we ensure that creativity and innovation is at the centre of every project we run and that it can have a global reach so that benefits can transfer to not only to our community in Scotland but the world. With increasing prevalence of these conditions in developing countries, our need to have a global presence has never been more important.


Helping people is at the very heart of our society and in everything we do. Endocrinology and Diabetes are the biggest conditions in our world today and for such a big challenge, we need big solutions and AUES hopes to be a part of that. Are you ready to join our society to benefit the world?


Check out our current projects EndoPod, EndoTube, EndoClass and EndoCommunity. You can sign up for membership to get access to exclusive content and donations are always appreciated. We are a non-profit so all funds are used on our projects!