Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Students' Forum

The Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Students’ Forum is one of five autonomous liberation campaigns affiliated under the Aberdeen University Students’ Association. We aim to represent all students that identify under the BAME umbrella and counter prejudice and discrimination against minority ethnic students on campus, while promoting and engaging in radical critical thinking about race. We are an intersectional safe space for minority ethnic students and do not tolerate discrimination on the basis of religion, sexuality, gender expression and/or able-bodiedness


Who is considered to be BAME?

The BAME umbrella encompasses individuals of African, Asian, Middle Eastern, Afro-Caribbean, Latin American and Romani descent, as well as Indigenous populations of the Americas, Australia and the South Pacific.


How do we think critically about race?

  • By recognising the underlying infrastructures in our contemporary society that benefit white people and significantly disadvantage minority ethnic groups.

  • By not engaging in respectability politics; we will continue to challenge mainstream dominant understandings about race and oppression, and instead lead the conversation ourselves.

  • By understanding how microaggressions contribute to the wider context of white supremacist ideology and white cultural standards.


Suggested introductory reading list:

  • Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race by Reni Eddo-Lodge

  • Slay In Your Lane: The Black Girl Bible by Yomi Adegoke and Elizabeth Uviebinené

  • Decolonising the University edited by Gurminder K. Bhambra, Dalia Gebrial and Kerem Nisancioglu


You can find us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram or contact us directly via our email: