The Aberdeen University Creative Writing Society was founded during the 1980s to offer students a platform to share, develop, read, and listen to creative pieces of writing. More than 30 years later, we’re still going strong!
If you enjoy creative writing and want to get involved, please join us at our weekly meetings! We meet every Thursday at 6pm. For more information, please go to our social media pages where we’ll keep you updated on all our events.
At every meeting, we have a booklet. Our members can send in their writing to have it featured in the booklet and receive feedback. If you’d like to enter a submission anonymously, mention that in your submission email – you’ll still receive feedback for your work at the meeting. You're never required to submit, and you don't have to submit to come along to the meetings.
Submissions can be sent to us at
Every semester, we publish the Creative Writing Society Compendium. This is a compilation of work written and edited by our members. The compendium is released digitally and is free to download from our website. Check out our website at to see past compendiums!
President: Meg Widley Vice-President: Oscar Cowan Treasurer: Alexander Kemp Secretary: Lexi Oliver Social Secretary: Ellie Parr Academic Liaison: Morgan Royall Pre-Honours Representative: Charlie Taylor
Last updated 19th of September, 2022
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