Nordic Society exists for all Nordic and non-Nordic students interested in celebrating Nordic holidays and cultural traditions!
Our annual highlights are our legendary pub-crawls, First of May/Vappu/Valborg, Finnish Independence Day and of course, our popular “Sittning/Sitsit”. Alongside our more popular events, we also organise movie nights, Advent parties, Lucia and much more.
The society is a great way to be acquainted with students from, or outwith the Nordic countries. So whether Nordic or not, what are you waiting for?!
Membership is £3 for the whole year!
Everyone is warmly welcomed to join our society and if you want more information, email us on: or find us on facebook; Nordic Soc Aberdeen Uni, or simply talk to one of our committee members. We are always happy to have a chat!
President: Alma Johansson Treasurer: Amanda Nyström Secretary: Elsa Jackson-Ward PR Representative: Yasmin Selway Wellbeing Officer: Emilia Piltonen Danish Representative: Lucas Riber Finnish Representative: Rasmus Hökkä Norwegian Representative: Finlay Morrison Swedish Representative: Lazo Banaee Icelandic Representative: Miles Lourenco First-year Representative: Tom MacDonald