Welcome (or willkommen!) to the University of Aberdeen German Society!
We're a student-run society, aiming to unite students with an interest in German, Austrian and Swiss culture and to connect people through events and experiences.
The German Society offers a variety of activities and events for students to pariticpate in, regardless of their nationality or degree programme. Once you have purchased your membership, you'll be able to take part too!
Our events and information can be found on our social media pages, so check those out for the most up to date news!
If you have any questions, please check out our social media pages or send us an email on german@ausa.org.uk
Join our AGM on Tuesday 11th February to learn about our achievements, help us secure the future of sport, and contribute ideas on our new SU-ggestions platform. Don't miss this chance to make your voice heard! 2> Click Here for More Info!