The home of all things strange and usual on campus. Interested in all things spooky, this society hosts film screenings, guest talks, and ghost walks amongst other events. 

We're still a shiny new society and just getting off the ground! But feel free to come along to our social events which are open to non-members if you'd like to get a feel of the society. 


Reasons to become a member:

- Free and priority access to all our events*

- Cool merch

- Join a great group of humans with a shared interest in all things spooky

- support the society and help it to grow


Upcoming events:

- Welcome event in January

- UoA Paranormal Society Seminar Series 

- Spooky book club

- Monthly screenings

Full schedule of events to follow!


*Does not include travel costs or other associated costs such as costs imposed by the venue if off-campus