Our society is for anyone with an interest in physics or astronomy. Whether you are an expert on quantum mechanics or you're still trying to figure out what physics actually is, we will welcome you with open arms, and we will have events to interest you.
If you want to meet new people interested in physics and astronomy, learn new stuff and have lots of fun in the process, we are the society for you!
We have a discord channel for people with an interest in physics and astronomy to stay in touch. You do not have to be a member to join this channel, and it is a great opportunity to get in touch with like-minded students, learn more about our society and/or ask questions and advice for your studies. you can join the server through this link: https://discord.gg/54ZVNUn.
You can also keep up with us here on our facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/UoAPhysSoc/
If you have an idea for a cool event or any questions, big or small, you are always welcome to contact us and we will respond as quickly as possible. Beyond facebook and discord, we can be reached by email at physics.astronomy@ausa.org.uk.
Join our Student Council and have a say in how your Students’ Union represents you. Whether you want to influence the way sports and societies are supported, have ideas about how your course is delivered, or want to campaign for issues that matter to you, this is your chance to affect the change you want to see. 2> Click Here for More Info