Journal of Matters Relating to Felines is a new student society producing a free magazine consisting of a collection of articles composed by students from all the different disciplines of the university with cats being the ribbon tying them together.


We aim to publish four times across the academic year with releases in October, December, February and May, respectively the Autumnal, Winter, Valentine and Spring editions. We will also be hosting writers' meetings where we brainstorm and plan articles throughout the year and perhaps even collaborate with other societies too! You can find our past issues by following the following link:

Membership is highly recommended as it grants two benefits. Firstly, being able to write and contribute to the magazine. Secondly, it means that a copy of each issue will be reserved for you and you will be contacted to arrange its collection. It also helps us financially with the printing of each issue, which are spread around Campus. There are so many benefits and opportunities to be granted if you were to get involved with us, so don't be hesitant to join and don't be shy to send us a message!


Be sure to check us out on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for event postings and announcements when the magazines are ready for collection at various different locations on university grounds.


Twitter: @journalofmatter

Instagram: @journalofmatters