
There is a range of representation available to you through your Students’ Association. 

Whether you want to discuss a course issue with your Class Rep or School Convener, or raise a University wide issue with a Liberation/Section Forum or Sabbatical Officer, AUSA is here to represent your voice and interests. Open student meetings are held throughout the year to ensure continuous representation of your views.

How will your Students’ Association ensure your voice is represented? There are a range of both paid full-time representatives and volunteer representatives. You can also be one of the elected student leaders and represent the views of your fellow students.

You can contact our Representation Team via email at


Sabbatical Officers

AUSA is led by five elected students, known as sabbatical officers. They are full-time, paid representatives of the student body, and are elected for the following academic year each spring. 
These officers work together as a team, each focusing on their individual remit to represent you and drive forward your interests. Sabbaticals will collaborate on issues aiming to make positive changes at University, local and national levels. 
You can contact your Sabbs via social media channels, send them an email or find out more about what they do and their roles on the website.  

Class Reps and School Conveners

Class Reps are elected at the beginning of an academic year or semester to represent your views and concerns about courses or degree programmes to ensure that your voice is heard.   
School Conveners work in partnership with the Vice President for Education to support Class Reps and ensure that you are effectively represented, both within the University and AUSA.

Liberation and Section Forums

AUSA has five Liberation Forums and four Section Forums which exist to promote the interests of and organise events for students who are part of or identify with certain groups. 
Liberation Forums exist to represent the voice, support and create safe spaces for marginalised groups. These are: Women and Non-Binary Students' Forum, Disabled Students' Forum, LGBTQ+ Students' Forum, Black and Minority Ethnic Students' Forum, Trans Students' Forum.
Section Forums are made up of certain groups of students who face unique challenges during their experience at the University. These are: International Students' Forum, Part-Time Students' Forum, Postgraduate Students' Forum, Mature Students' Forum.
You can find out more about the Forums and their work at here.

Student Council

Student Council is a democratically elected body of students who volunteer their time to raise, discuss and vote on campaigns, policies and motions to shape the work of the association for the year ahead. 
You can get involved in Student Council and help drive forward the student body’s priorities by representing the views of your fellow students. Keep an eye out for more information during Freshers’ Week. You can find out more about the Student Council on our website here.

National Union of Students (NUS)

Through AUSA you also have national representation via the National Union of Students. NUS Scotland, which is an autonomous body within the National Union of Students, is the national representative body of around 500,000 students studying in further and higher education in Scotland. 
The NUS campaigns on the issues that go beyond the local university experience, such as better housing, support for international students coming to study in the UK, better funding for mental health services, and a more diverse curriculum. Each year, NUS delegates are elected amongst the student body, which means you can be involved as well. Find out more about the NUS here.