Election Posts

Environment and Ethics Committee Election 2020/21

This committee exists to represent issues around Environment and Ethics at relevant platforms, both locally and nationally, as well as through AUSA’s democratic structures. Committee members raise awareness of issues around environmental and social/systematic justice, and campaign on these issues.

The polls have closed.

Vice-Chair Environment & Ethics

The vice-Chair will act as a depute to the Vice-President for Communities, and is responsible for liaising with other interest groups, increasing cross-collaboration and engagement.
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Campaign Coordinator

The Fossil Free Campaign Coordinator supports the Committee’s campaign around divestment from fossil fuels. Divestment is the act of removing money from a particular fund - in essence, it is the opposite of investment! You will carry on with years of successful campaigns in this area and hold the University to account over its own Environmental and Ethical policies and its implementation in this area.
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Waste Officer

The Waste Officer supports the Committee’s work to reduce waste on campus, and holds the University to account over its own Environmental and Ethical policies and its implementation in this area.
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First Year Representative

The First Year representative will be responsible for ensuring that new students’ voices are heard clearly within the Environment and Ethics remit, attending meetings and helping to ensure new students are getting involved with Sustainability initiatives and campaigns at The University.

When asked, 81% of students said they are concerned about climate change - so we are here to make your voice heard on issues you care about! The Environment and Ethics committee drives sustainability projects here at Aberdeen - whether that's campaigning for fossil fuel divestment, lobbying for ethical procurement, promoting fairtrade, expanding and promoting recycling provision, or campaigning for migrants' rights! 


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Foresterhill Representative

The Foresterhill representative will be responsible for ensuring that students based at Foresterhill have their voices heard within the Environment and Ethics remit, attending meetings and ensuring that projects and campaigns run within the Communities remit are relevant and accessible to students at Foresterhill.

When asked, 81% of students said they are concerned about climate change - so we are here to make your voice heard on issues you care about! The Environment and Ethics committee drives sustainability projects here at Aberdeen - whether that's campaigning for fossil fuel divestment, lobbying for ethical procurement, promoting fairtrade, expanding and promoting recycling provision, or campaigning for migrants' rights! 


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Ordinary Member (3 places)

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