International Students' Forum

The International Students‘ Forum is a space for all international students (including European students) to have their voices heard by the Aberdeen University Students’ Association (AUSA) and the University of Aberdeen.  It is also an opportunity to get to know other international students in Aberdeen, find out what International Societies we have here at AUSA, attend social events, or start campaigns relevant to International Students. You can see the full remit of the Forum below. 

The 2020-2021 Committee is made up of:

  • Secretary: SHWETAL FUNDE
  • Treasurer:
  • Liaison Officer: 

University of Aberdeen is one of the most international Universities in the UK with over 130 nationalities. You can find a list of all the current national societies – and if there is one you can’t find you could be the one to start it yourself! Here is where you can find information on how to start a society.

  1. African Caribbean Society
  2. Arab House Society
  3. Australian Society 
  4. Benelux Society (Belgium, Luxemburg, and the Netherlands)
  5. Bulgarian Society
  6. Chinese Students and Scholars
  7. Czech and Slovak Society
  8. French Society
  9. German Society
  10. Greek and Cypriot Society
  11. Ghanaian Society
  12. Hungarian Society
  13. Indian Society
  14. Indonesian Society
  15. Irish Society
  16. Italian Society
  17. Japanese Society
  18. Latvian Society
  19. Lithuanian Society
  20. Mexican Society
  21. Nordic Society  (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden)
  22. Pakistan Society
  23. Palestine Society
  24. Polish Society
  25. Romanian Society
  26. Russian Speaking Union
  27. Spanish & Latin American Society (also known as the Hispanic Society)
  28. Thai Society

There is also the Erasmus Student Network Aberdeen that you can join!

One of the campaigns the Forum has been involved with is the 'Post Study Work Visa Now' priority campaign, passed by Student Council in January 2019. The campaign aimed to fight for international students' fair opportunity to gain employment rights, increase awareness about post-study work options and ensure that Aberdeen University is doing its best to support international students. The campaign aims to also support international students with increasing concerns due to Brexit. Read the full policy hereHere is where you can find the most current update on this (at the time of posting this, 08/06/2020)

The Forum is part of the Equity Forum together with the other Section Forums and Liberation Forums. Where relevant, members will also represent international students’ interest to the University in University meetings. 

Some other useful information:

International Students' Forum remit: 

  • To promote the views and interests, locally and nationally, of all students whose nationality is other than British.
  • To co-ordinate the activities of national societies Last Updated June 2020 Aberdeen University Students' Association (AUSA) is a registered Scottish Charity, No. SC037971 which have been established for specific national groups and for those interested in that region or country.
  • To organise activities for all students whose nationality is other than British and to promote the integration between international and home students.
  • To advise and support national societies, jointly with the Societies’ Union Committee.
  • To introduce new international students to the Students’ Association and the University.
  • To promote the importance of international students within the University and the wider community.
  • To liaise with other organisations interested in, or representing, international students.
  • To promote multi-culturalism within the Students’ Association and the University.

If you have any questions or if you would like to talk to members of the Forum’s committee, you can reach us via Facebook (@ausainternational) or email

If you follow us on Facebook you will also be the most up to date with all the events that we plan to host in the future!