
Are you taking resits this summer? We've got you covered! Donna Connelly, AUSA Education Officer, has worked with Univeristy of Aberdeen to ensure Sir Duncan Rice Library extends its opening hours during the approaching exam re-sits to make sure the campus is open to support you when you need it most.



Due to the PC rooms being set up for exams, the PC’s in the MacRobert Building will not be available to use during the resits.  Donna Connelly has worked hard with the University to find a way of making more PC’s and rooms available during resit, and students can now go to the computer rooms F83, F84 & S83 in Edward Wright Building where there are 130 PC’s.  The computer rooms will be available 24 hour by swipe card access and are fully sign posted.  There are a couple of exams next week during the day where flexibility will be needed but if you experience any problems with out of hours access to these rooms please contact security on 01224 273327.